When choosing colors for print and digital media, you’ll come across two acronyms: RGB and CMYK. But what’s the difference between these two color models?
For starters, one of these color schemes is best for digital media and one is ideal for printed items. And understanding the difference between the two is why it’s best to work with a professional designer for color schemes.
RGB is ideal when working with digital design, and CMYK is the best option when printing tangible products. But there are nuances to working with each and understanding the two plays a pivotal role in creating your brand. Here’s what you need to know about RGB and CMYK in website design and printed materials.
What Is RGB?
When you hear the acronym “RGB,” it’s referring to the colors red, green, and blue used in digital marketing. This specific color model is an extremely well-known system used in digital marketing, especially in describing and measuring color.
The majority of digital images stem from a variation of these three colors. This includes images on digital cameras, smartphones, and computer screens, to name a few devices.
If you’re familiar with the RGB color scheme, then you may have heard it referred to as a light additive color model. Essentially, different colors are added to one another, creating lighter colors for use.
Take, for example, absolute white. To achieve this, you’d need to mix equal parts blue, green, and red. But when you use other combinations, the results are other shades and colors. This is why you need a professional digital marketing agency.
There are also tons of benefits when using RGB colors. Web graphics are only in RGB, so you have the flexibility to use the same artwork file for vivid web graphics and printed items.
You’ll also find that some filters in Photoshop don’t offer CMYK mode. Additionally, these files are smaller which means they process faster and save time.
How Does RGB Work And When Should You Use It?
RGB is best for digital marketing, including screens. The reason behind this is that it’s known to make colors seem brighter since it’s a light additive color model. If you’re creating your website, you’ll want to use RGB and not CMYK.
When using the RGB color scheme online, you should apply it to your website, logo, and banners. If you have any ad posters, use this color scheme there as well.
It’s essential to use this color model for digital media because computers are able to better render colors that printed materials on paper. Because of this, color tones must vary.
You need a professional to determine the right color combination to create new colors. But why? Let’s take a look at the color yellow.
Yellow is a combination of red and green. But there are 130 shades of yellow. And you need a professional to determine the correct shade needed for your project.
RGB color schemes can be turned into any color from the CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and key aka black) color palette. You just need to convert these files.
This is another reason why a professional is needed when working with colors. If you use CMYK for digital projects, you’ll find this color scheme produces more muted tones, which is why RGB is optimal.
What Is CMYK?
As explained, CMYK is an acronym that stands for the colors cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. To represent the word “black,” “K” is used for “key.” This originates from printing presses when black was referred to as a “key” plate.
When printing materials traditionally, you’d want to use the CMYK color palette. Essentially CMYK requires the removal of these colors from white light.
The bulk of commercial printers don’t print with white ink. Additionally, when you combine all four colors in the CMYK color palette, you get black.
It’s important to work with a professional to help you determine the best use of colors for your printed materials. This is because, when printing, CMYK colors are layered on top of one another, each one using a different percentage of transparent inks.
Essentially, halftone percentages of each color are printed in tiny dots too small to be seen by the naked eye. And you need professional digital marketing for print media to help you curate the best colors for printed materials.
CMYK Printing
If your project was designed to be printed, a professional designer needs to determine which color model is best. From there, they can choose the best design tools to use one color palette to create all the necessary colors. Since RBG files can be converted to CMYK print values, you’ll need the help of a professional to convert these files for the printer.
If you’ve ever designed business cards or posters at home, you might have been disappointed when the finished product was received, the colors different variants of what you selected. This occurs when the RGB color model is erroneously used, as what you see on the screen won’t accurately translate to printed materials.
But a professional digital marketing agency knows the difference between RGB vs CMYK for printing. When RGB is used for traditional print jobs, you might even notice that colors shift and images, along with their colors, come out skewed.
It’s also possible that a print press won’t accept any files with RGB images. Their systems might not be able to read these colors, as extra work is required to prep RGB colors for print. The results may be printed materials that come up looking less than acceptable.
Avoiding Printing Mistakes
So how can you avoid these print mistakes? Use CMYK colors for traditional printing. If you have a project already created using an RGB color palette, work with a trained designer to translate files for your brand.
Even if you plan on creating images using a CMYK color scheme, you’ll still need to work with a professional.
CMYK looks duller on screen, with each color appearing muddy. This is common for CMYK colors on screen and something designers are adept at handling. They’ll refer to a swatch book to assist with projects if necessary.
Additionally, when PDFs for printing are created, designers use CMYK color definitions. They ensure all images and graphics used are converted to CMYK. This can be done inside a PDF itself, although designers tend to export items from a CMYK document.
Why Color Theory Matters
When working with a professional marketing agency, they’ll enlist the help of skilled graphic designers. These trained professionals have a keen insight into color theory.
They’ve studied color theory and understand how colors work in tandem and how these colors affect mood and alter emotions. From there, they’ll curate a color scheme that works to grab attention while ensuring a certain perception of a particular brand or logo.
Color theory is an intricate process that considers what colors and tools best fit a specific project. Digital marketers also understand the psychology behind color theory, applying it in a way that impacts consumers and how they receive different brands.
This, in turn, affects the way consumers interact with products, impacting their purchasing decisions.
RGB vs CMYK Color Schemes: Let’s B Media Can Help
When working with digital design, RGB is ideal for any items displayed on screen. However, if you’re planning on sending something to a printer, you’ll have to convert RGB colors to CMYK using specific design tools. This is why a professional designer is paramount for these projects.
Choosing the perfect color palette for your next project can be challenging. But Let’s B Media can help. Our team of expert graphic designers will help you select the best colors for all your print and digital media needs.
Whether you’re looking for a website logo and want colors to pop or need printed materials for an upcoming event, Let’s B Media has the knowledge and expertise to artfully craft the best products for your brand. Contact us today to learn more about our host of creative, digital, and website services.